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    商品番号: 3036485


    原産地: ギリシャ 銘柄: K.Asikis & Sons OE モデル番号: 2.5.48
    使用法: Decorative and Utilitarian Use 材料: Hand-Painted Wood, Sandblasted Mirror, metal 形: Horses figure


    包装: There will be an extra cost for the package of the work. A wooden box is needed in order to guarantee his safety..

    In this impressive  mirror dominates a commanding winged horse.The "Pegasus", made of wood, is hand-painted in deep red and silver color and it is incorporated harmoniously creating an excellent aesthetic effect.



    ng>Product Detailsng>


    It's a piece of art of high aesthetic quality. The winged horse, "Pegasus", coming from the depths of greek mythology, hand-painted on wood in red and silver shades appears in an imposing way through a full -  length mirror. The back of this work is of wood painted in bright silver color so as to be harmonized absolutely with the theme of the composition. The aim of this work is to ascribe with vividness, descriptiveness and in every possible detail the grace of movement of this mythical and mystical creature.




    ng>Technical Specificationsng>


    ng>Product Code ng>         2.5.48


    ng>Description              ng>Full-length Wall Mirror with the Wooden Pegasus hand - painted


    ng>Lengthng>                      97  cm


    ng>Thickness                ng>14  mm


    ng>Height                       ng>1.23 m


    ng>Weight                      ng>13,0  kgr


    ng>Made in  ng>                  Greece


    PEGASUS _鏡_室内装飾_日用雑貨・園芸_仕入れ_問屋・仕入れ・卸・卸売り

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