• 現在の位置: ホーム » 仕入れ » 日用雑貨・園芸 » 室内装飾 » »
    商品番号: 3036150


    原産地: ギリシャ 銘柄: K.ASIKIS & SonS OE モデル番号: 1.5.11
    使用法: Utilitarian and Decorative Use 材料: Wood and Mirror 形: Womans Figure

    It's a piece of art of high esthetic quality. The delicate Venus, made of mirror, is emerging highlighting the movement of her body and her luxuriant hair. This mirror is original and modern.



    ng>Product Detailsng>


    We designed this piece of art with the aim to ascribe a female figure emerging from the sea. We put emphasis on her upright body and the form it takes when moving. We made her of mirror and we chose a wonderful wood in rose colour so as to  illuminate subtly and set off the wonderful outline of the lady. It's a work that will attract surely the looks and will set off the space you will choose to decorate.




    ng>Technical Specificationsng>


    ng>Product Code  ng>       1.5.11


    ng>Description              ng>Wall  Decoration made of Mirror and Wood


    ng>Length                      ng>45  cm


    ng>Width                        ng>1.2 cm


    ng>Height                       ng>91  cm


    ng>Weight                      ng>2,800  kgr


    ng>Made inng>                    Greece


    VENUS _鏡_室内装飾_日用雑貨・園芸_仕入れ_問屋・仕入れ・卸・卸売り

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