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    Decorative Mirrors
    商品番号: 3035968


    原産地: ギリシャ 銘柄: K.ASIKIS & SonS OE モデル番号: 2.5.08
    使用法: 装飾的 材料: Ceramic/Glass and Mirror 形: Panthers Figure

    It's a special mirror. The panther, made of shiny, black italian ceramic emerges from an spectacular flame mirror. It's a work of art that with its originality will impress everyone.



    ng>Product Detailsng>


    This is a collector's mirror. The shiny, black, ceramic panther is emerging from a burning blaze-mirror with a decorative and utilitarian value. It's a really unique and original mirror that will impress and attract the gaze of all.




    ng>Technical Specificationsng>


    ng>Product Code ng>         2.5.08


    ng>Description              ng>Impressive Wall Mirror with a Ceramic Panther


    ng>Length                      ng>93.5  cm


    ng>Thickness                ng>1.5 cm


    ng>Height                       ng>46.5  cm


    ng>Weight                       ng>3  kgr


    ng>Made in   ng>                  Greece


    Decorative Mirrors _鏡_室内装飾_日用雑貨・園芸_仕入れ_問屋・仕入れ・卸・卸売り

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