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    decorative mirrors
    商品番号: 3035238


    原産地: ギリシャ 銘柄: K.ASIKIS & SonS OE モデル番号: 2.5.33
    使用法: Decorative and Utilitarian Use 材料: Mirror and Wood 形: 楕円形

    It's an impressive modern mirror. The face of a horse is formed with sandblast and is completely harmonized with the wooden frame of the mirror painted in charcoal grey color. An elegant mirror which will decorate discreetly your space.



    ng>Product Detailsng>


    We designed and constructed this unique mirror on which is formed subtly with sandblast the face of a horse creating an impressive aesthetic effect. The back of the work is wooden and painted in charcoal grey shades so as the frame created around the mirror to be harmonized perfectly with the whole composition.




    ng>Technical Specificationsng>


    ng>Product Code ng>         2.5.33


    ng>Description              ng>Wall  Decorative Mirror with Wooden Back


    ng>Length                      ng>39.0  cm


    ng>Thickness                 ng>0.12  cm


    ng>Height                       ng>53.0  cm


    ng>Weight                      ng>2,700  kgr


    ng>Made in  ng>                   Greece




    decorative mirrors _鏡_室内装飾_日用雑貨・園芸_仕入れ_問屋・仕入れ・卸・卸売り

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