• 聴診器-聴診器
    商品番号: 9790874

    原産地: 中国(本土) 銘柄: mirson タイプ: 聴診器


    Specification:1.Components and material element:zinc alloy chest piece;chrome plated silver finish;Y type tubing for sound transmission;plastic earpieces2.Function:The stethoscope is a mechanical device used to project the sounds associated with the heart,arteries,and other international organs to diagnose any disorder or disease,e.g.,of respiratory system or other syetem.it is a conventional medical device with very low risk:non-invasive,non-active.The intended use of the stethoscope is either used alone or in combination with other device,e.g.,sphygmomanometer.3.Operating method and notes:Connect the earpiece and the head with latex tube;touch patient with the manbrance side of the head of the stethoscopes;put earpiece of the stethoscopes comfortably to ears;move the head generally and listen to the earpiece carefully until the diagnose sound is audible.To avoid cross infection,it is recommended that the chest piece should be dis-infectiond regularly. To ensure the comfortable wear of the earpiece,the "U"shaped band should be adjusted manualy.4.Period of validity:if use properly and exactly,its checkout periods last for 12 months5.Storage requirements: it should be depositted in indoor environment in which the temperature is between -5°Cand+35°C.and no corrosive gas and excellent ventilation.it is not allowed if the relative humidity of room preponderates over 80%. Form of packing :聴診器仕入れ・メーカー・工場 聴診器仕入れ・メーカー・工場 聴診器


    One machine in a color box,and every 50 color boxes in one export carton



    聴診器-聴診器 _聴診器_概要の試金及び診断の器具_医療機器_健康と医療_仕入れ_問屋・仕入れ・卸・卸売り

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