• CielK EGF Mas Pack
    商品番号: 3552289


    形態: マスク 供給のタイプ: OBM(オリジナルブランド製造) 銘柄: CielK
    手に入る数量: 500,000PCS 証明: ISO901, ISO14001 材料: 綿
    マスクの形態: シート 原料: 主要な原料: Hyaluronic酸, Human Oligopeptide1, Arbutin, Hizikia Fusifrme extract, etc
    性: 女性 使用: フェイス 特徴: 反しわ, 固まること, 保湿剤, 養うこと, 白くなること
    原産地: 南朝鮮 モデル番号: CK-FM03 Human Oigopeptide1: Anti aging, regeneration
    Hizikia Fusiforme extract: Moisturizing, firming Arbutin: Whitening

    Advanced Repair Theapy - EGF(Epidermal Grwth Fctor) Mask Pack


    CielK EGF Mas Pack問屋・仕入れ・卸・卸売り CielK EGF Mas Pack

    Volume : 23g


    Efficacy of EGF(Epidermal Growth Factor)

     High concentrated product that is superior for skin adhering pure vegetable sheet mask

    and concentrated nutrients such as  hEGF(human Epidrmal Growth Factor) and other

    skin beautifying substance.

     Ingredients which help mitigate skn troube make clean and calm down sensitive skin

    due to trouble to make the skin smooth and even.

     Human protein to be identified wih skin revital, moisturizing, wrinkle free and whitening

    at the same time!


     Hiikia Fusiforme extract makes skin clear & recovers skin resilience.

     Also it has moisturizing effect.


    Arbutin which is recognized as an improved whitening functional ingredient by KFDA

    to suppress the production of melanin that causes freckles and spots, and it has an

    excellent whitening effect and  relatively low irritancy to have an inhibitory effect of skin



    Main Ingredients : Human Oligopeptide 1(Stable EGF 2ppm), Sodium Hyaluronate, Hizikia

    Fusiforme Extract, Arbutin, etc.

    CielK EGF Mas Pack _フェイスマスク_スキンケア用品_美容・パーソナルケア_仕入れ_問屋・仕入れ・卸・卸売り

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