• Endura Whey Pro Advanced
    商品番号: 3119605


    機能: for muscle building, strength and recovery タイプ: 蛋白質 原産地: インド
    銘柄: Endura 適量形態:


    Enriched with BCAA & Glutamine

     Endura Whey Pro Advanced has large amounts of amino acid, arginines and glutamine.(ARGININE is a stimulant of anabolic hormones that stimulates muscle formations, Whereas, GLUTAMINE is considered to be essential during metabolic stress.) Endura Whey- Pro Advanced is low in fat with highest biological value. Whey protein is far superior to all other forms of protein. It provides the body with the perfect amino acid profile for muscle building, strength and recovery.

    Bodybuilders and professional athletes, all know the importance of using whey protein supplements to help increase size, strength and speed up recovery. Whey protein supplements play a huge role in post-workout nutrition, when your body is in a catabolic state and needs a fast injection of protein.

    It also works as an anti-oxidant to boost the body's immune system. Scientific studies have shown that regular supplementation with whey protein promotes a strong immune system. Whey protein is the ultimate source of protein having highest quality of protein and a rich source of branched chain amino acids (BCAAs).

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