• Bioprep- 24ホモジナイザー-ミキサー
    商品番号: 13353049

    原産地: 中国(本土) 銘柄: allsheng モデル番号: Bioprep- 24


    包装: ダブルレイヤーで標準的な輸出パッケージ

    Bioprep-24 Homogenizer


    Fast, effective and reproducible homogenization of a wide range of samples, including hard to lyse tissues and cells. It also holds extraordinary powerful for the processing of even impact resistant samples such as bones or cartiage.

    The Bioprep-24 is an ideal solution for releasing DNA, RNA, proteins, enzymes, etc. from very tough samples while still retaining molecular integrity.



    1. "3D Rotating High Speed Motion" for quick disruption of those fibrous tissues and resistant cells

    2. 10 Programmable memory settings and user optional condition settings

    3. A wide range of rotation speed settings from 4,000rpm to 5,800rpm, increment 100rpm

    4. Brushless motor realizing no brush particle generation and no brush replacement

    5. Easy to remove sample tube holder and easy to fix sample tubes with the turn of the central knob

    6. Easy to monitor the disruption process through the clear lid

    7. Simultaneously homogenize either 24x2ml or 12x5ml tubes

    8. Disposable tubes ensure no threat of cross-contamination

    9. Economical and compact tabletop system


    Technical Specification
    1.  Speed Range:          4000~5800 rpm (in steps of 100 rpm)

    2.  Run time:                  1~90 s (in steps of 1 s)

    3.  Programmable:         50 Saved Programs

    4.  Number of Cycles:    1 - 99

    5.  Display: Organic-LED, High light and no visual angle limit 

    6.  Number of Samples:  1~24 samples

    7.  Running Noise:          < 70db

    8.  Pause Time:               0 - 9 minutes 59 seconds

    9.  Compliance:               CE Compliance

    Typical Samples
    - Human, animal, plant cells
    - Micro-organisms
    - Soil and sediments
    - Swabs and feces
    - Drugs, polymers, lotions, etc.


    Any researcher who requires genomic DNA, total RNA or recombinant protein as a starting material will benefit from the unit system:

    - Northerm blot analysis, qPCR and microarrays                 - Optimization of recombinant protein expression

    - Library synthesis and Southem blots                                  - Pathogen acreening of soil or water 

    - RT-PCR and differential display                                          - Environmental surveys
    - Verification of food safety

    Overview of the Bioprep-24 procedure:

    1. Prepare tysis tube     2.Process about 30s             3. Centrifuge                       4.Transfer cleared lysate
    Bioprep- 24ホモジナイザー仕入れ・メーカー・工場 Bioprep- 24ホモジナイザー仕入れ・メーカー・工場 Bioprep- 24ホモジナイザー仕入れ・メーカー・工場 Bioprep- 24ホモジナイザー仕入れ・メーカー・工場 Bioprep- 24ホモジナイザー仕入れ・メーカー・工場 Bioprep- 24ホモジナイザー


    Remark: After putting the sample into the sample tubes, please preserve the sample for 6~12 hours at low temperature (below -60C degree)



    Code                        Description

    AS-13010-00           Bioprep-24 AC100~240V 50/60Hz
    AS-13011-01           Rotor for 24 x 2.0ml
    AS-13011-02           Rotor ionfor 12 x 5.0ml

    AS-13011-03           2.0ml tubes

    AS-13011-04           5.0ml tubes

    AS-13011-05           Φ1.4mm Silica beads

    AS-13011-06           Φ2.8mm Silica beads        
    AS-13011-07           Φ3mm metal beads
    AS-13011-08           Φ6mm metal beads 
    AS-13011-09           Φ1mm Glass beads
    AS-13011-10           Φ3mm Glass beads

    Bioprep- 24ホモジナイザー-ミキサー _ミキサー_化学機械類及び装置_機械_仕入れ_問屋・仕入れ・卸・卸売り

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