• ラベンダーオーガニックエッセンシャルオイル
    商品番号: 12486158

    供給のタイプ: OEM/ODM 原産地: シンガポール モデル番号: ALA-10/RLA-10
    タイプ: 混ざり物なし精油 原料: サイズ: 10ミリリットル
    ボトルタイプ: アンバー/ロールオン


    Benefits Of Lavender Essential Oil


    •  relaxing and calming of mind
    •  anti bacteria, anti-septic, antiviral and antibiotic
    •  healing from insect bites and wounds including all types of burns
    •  ease the symptom of eczema and psoriasis
    •  pain relief
    •  beneficial to the respiratory tract particularly during coughs, colds  and influenza
    •  release insomnia
    •  ease headaches


    Lavender essential oil comes in 10ml amber bottle or roll-on bottle. All our esscential oils are made of natural ingredients and no chemical are added. We bring the benefits of nature into your home and create wellness to your living. You can create your own  label  for  the  oils  and  we  will  provide  you  with  more information needed.



    ラベンダーオーガニックエッセンシャルオイル 問屋・仕入れ・卸・卸売り ラベンダーオーガニックエッセンシャルオイル

                   AMBER BOTTLE                             ROLL-ON BOTTLE



    Amber Bottle:

    The  pure  essential  oil  in  amber bottle is  recommended to be diffused through  an oil  diffuser  which  creates  a  relaxing   and calming  room environment  for  better  mood  and  sleep.  Due to high concentration,  only a few (4 to 5) drops are needed each time.


    Roll-On Bottle:

    The pure essential oil in roll-on bottle can be applied directly to any  parts of the body.  It  gives  the  convenience  to  create the relaxing and calming aroma wherver you go.     


    Whichever packaging you choose, you will enjoy the full benefits of the Lavender Essential Oil.


    Remarks: Avoid using Lavender oil in pregnancy, epilepsy and fever.




    ラベンダーオーガニックエッセンシャルオイル _エッセンシャルオイル_スキンケア用品_美容・パーソナルケア_仕入れ_問屋・仕入れ・卸・卸売り

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