• 生糸の生地-織布
    商品番号: 12309976

    供給のタイプ: 受注生産 原産地: インド 銘柄: zr
    モデル番号: 102 技術: 編まれる タイプ: ナチュラル生糸
    番手: 生糸糸 材料: 100%の絹 使用: 袋, 衣服, 寝具, ホーム織物, 家具製造販売業, 結婚式, クッション, カーテン, 服, ソファー, 衣裳
    素材: 100%生糸 幅: 110に135センチ 色: 自然とで作ることができる任意の色


    包装: ロール

    Indian Silk has been popular all over the world for its sheer variety of designs, Weaving and quality. This is largely due to the fact that India has the unique distinction of producing different varieties of silk.

    The naturality durability, luster and softness of these silk fabrics are perfect for everything and a favorite of designers. These fabrics have been designed to drape and flow! Very strong and durable, perfect for outstanding designer gowns and luxury products.

    We are based in Silk city of India BHGALAPUR and  the Processing of the silk is done in our Village and the fabrics are woven on foot-powered hand looms.


    we are made to order company and we can manufacture all types of silk fabrics 

    生糸の生地-織布 _バッグ用生地_服飾用生地_繊維・皮革_仕入れ_問屋・仕入れ・卸・卸売り

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