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    tarpaulin boots
    商品番号: 119538


    原産地: ロシア連邦 上部材料: tarpaulin ライニング材料: yuft
    様式: Russian tarpaulin boots

    tarpaulin boots  GOST 5394-89, GOST 19137-89 article 330


    10 USD/ pair – 3 000 000 units


    We will provide all necessary documents for all goods. The price is specified on condition of pick-up from the warehouse in the Moscow region.
    2. The Purchaser is obliged to have the supporting financial documents for the purchase of goods.
    Important: origin of monetary means will be checked, the monetary means shouldn’t be of criminal origin. During the work with bank letters of credit shouldn’t have the unprofitable balance and be in the list of the Central Bank for withdrawal of the license.
    3. The main contract of supply will be certified on the basis of the confirmed intentions (cl.2). The contract will be singed in the corresponding authorities, responsible for sale of property.
    4. At signing of the main contract of supply the Purchaser defines the shipment and payment schedule. The separate contract for services on transportation of cargo will signed with the company, accredited for work at the warehouses of the Federal State Reserve Agency.
    5. The inspection order will be issued for entrance to warehouses, the goods will be inspected and transferred. The Purchaser will receive a certificate of inspection, certificate of transfer of goods, release invoice, direction from the Ministry of defense for the sale of goods, warehouse certificate on the name of the Purchaser.
    If you have any questions we are ready for a personal meeting in our office.
    Yours respect­fully,
    General director Sanaeva N.


    Prepared by: Makarov Igor, tel.: +7 929 563 13 41

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