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    200 KVAの変圧器S9 200KVA/11KV-0.4KV 10KV-0.4KV-変圧器、アダプター
    商品番号: 10420916

    原産地: 中国(本土) 銘柄: CHNA モデル番号: S9 10~20MVA
    段階: 3 コイルの構造: 円環形状 コイル数: 三相複式アパートの巻上げ
    使用法: 高圧: 6 6.3 6.6 10 10.5 11 13.8 15KV 低電圧:: 0.4 0.69kV
    標準:: GB1094 IEC60076


    包装: 顧客需要に従う木の場合または

    The three-phase oil-immersed distributing transformer applies new type insulating structure and makes short-circuit resistance strong. The iron core is made of high-quality cold-rolled silicon-steel plate. High-voltage winding group is made up of high-quality oxygen-free copper lines and it adopts multilayered drum type structure. All fasteners have been processed with special treatment to prevent them from loosening.


    Reliable Structure


    1.Spiral loops with longitudinal oil path to produce a better interior cooling effect;


    2.Improve the effectual support of the loop’s terminal face to strengthen the anti-short circuit electricity capability;


    3.New suspending structure and instrument-positioning frames to guarantee that the long distance transport and movement will be more reliable.


    Excellent Materials


    1.Oxygen-free copper lines of lower resistivity, which will become smoother and burr-free after series of additional surface treatment, so the load loss of our transformer is lower and the electric performance is better.


    2.High-quality silicon-steel plates which are of lower unit loss, and the no-load of the transformers is lower.


    3.High-quality wooden laminating insulation pieces, which won’t split or move even under the influence of short circuit.


    4.Thoroughly filtrated transformer oil containing less water, gas and impurities, which makes our transformers work better.


    5.High-quality rubber sealing material, which can prevent the transformers form aging or leakage.


    Transformer Service Condition


    1.Altitude cannot exceed: 1000m


    2.Highest ambient temperature: +40°C


    3.Highest daily average temperature: +30°C


    4.Highest annual average temperature: +20°C


    5.Lowest outdoor temperature: -25°C


    6. The special environment conditions of use: elevation of more than 1000 m
        Environmental highest temperature + 40°C, minimum-45°C. (when you order details)


    Tech data of 10KV grade S9 series oil transformer



    Rated CapacityVoltage Group(kV)ConnectionLoss (kW)No-load currentImpedanceWeight (kg)(L)mm(W)mm(H)mmInstallation size(mm)
    (kVA)HVLV No-loadLoad%%OilGrossDimensionC1C2
    20   0.10.443.057230915450975400400
    50   0.170.872803609955951035400400
    125 0Yyn00.341.81.712064010807701210550550
    200   0.482.61.516088012108101270550550
    315   0.673.651.4235122013108401490550550
    500   0.965.11.22951655139510251590660660
    1000   1.710.31.05202715189013501840820820
    1250   1.9512.81.05853335184514201890820820
    1600   2.415.40.86603855229514001980820820
    2000   2.6180.77954580236514202020820820
    (Note): (Tapping range of high voltage) ±5%; ±2×2.5%  



    200 KVAの変圧器S9 200KVA/11KV-0.4KV 10KV-0.4KV仕入れ・メーカー・工場 200 KVAの変圧器S9 200KVA/11KV-0.4KV 10KV-0.4KV

    200 KVAの変圧器S9 200KVA/11KV-0.4KV 10KV-0.4KV-変圧器、アダプター _変圧器、アダプター_電装品_仕入れ_問屋・仕入れ・卸・卸売り

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