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    商品番号: 9426292


    原産地: 中国(本土) 銘柄: RongLi モデル番号: R338
    機能: 洗浄布


    包装: 確認されるため


    ボール洗浄- r3381.エコ- フレンドリーな2.高品質4.細かい細工5.safetetyと無害

    洗浄の球R338問屋・仕入れ・卸・卸売り 洗浄の球R338 washing ball-R338


    1. can have your logo on it.
    2. customized color and packing
    3. Dia: 6cm

    A dryer ball offers a simple, yet effective solution to soften fabrics, reduce drying time and creases while saving on the cost of dryer sheets, chemical fabric softeners, and energy.
    Dryer balls are designed to separate and lift the laundry– this allows air to circulate more efficiently throughout the machine, and that is the reason for the quicker drying time.

    It is a simple case of popping a set of laundry dryer balls into the wash / dryer machine with a full-load of clothes, sheets or similar such fabrics – and once its drying cycle is complete the softening balls take out the stiffness from sheets, towels, and clothes, with no need for chemicals.

    Dryer balls with a large-sized surface area, and sufficiently sized nodules often results in more contact with the washing, and that in turn means a much softer feel to the fabrics


    洗浄の球R338 _ガスケット_機械部品_仕入れ_問屋・仕入れ・卸・卸売り

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