• ヤギのミルク自然な100%オリーブオイル石鹸
    商品番号: 7951316


    タイプ: 化粧石鹸 化粧石鹸のタイプ: 表面石鹸 形態: 固体
    ハンドメイド: はい 透明: いいえ 薬用: いいえ
    原料: 主要な原料: オリーブ油 年齢別グループ: 赤ん坊
    特徴: 基本的なクリーニング, 保湿、 乾燥敏感肌のための、 増白 原産地: ギリシャ 銘柄: E&a純粋な美しさ
    モデル番号: el005 色: クリーム 成分: エキストラバージンオリーブオイルと新鮮なヤギのミルク
    プロパティ: 保湿、 皮膚の修復、 非常に軽い剥離、 肌を明るくする


    手作り石鹸、 100%とエキストラバージンオリーブオイル、 と新鮮なヤギのミルク

    From the days of Cleopatra, milk has been used as a luxurious moisturizer.


    Goats milk contains proteins, amino acids and Vitamin A to nourish the skin.

    Goat milk consists of natural emollients and triglycerides that act as natural moisturizer.


    It is known that goat milk can reduce skin inflammation, and soothes dry and damaged skin. Can reduce wrinkles and delay signs of skin aging.


    Goats milk soap has alpha hydroxy acids that soften the skin by breaking down the glue that holds dead skin cells together. Goats milk has the closest PH level to our skin. This helps protect our skin from invading bacteria and chemicals.


    Delays signs of skin aging Goats milk soap delays signs of skin again due to its high content of alpha hydroxy acids such as lactic acid. Alpha hydroxy acids break down dead skin cell bonds, removing dead skin cells from the skins surface and leaving behind new cells on the surface that appear smoother and more youthful.

    ヤギのミルク自然な100%オリーブオイル石鹸 _ベビーバス用品_ベビー用品_美容・パーソナルケア_仕入れ_問屋・仕入れ・卸・卸売り

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