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    商品番号: 13037817

    We have newly developed Heat Exchange Element (total heat exchange unit) which is the core part of the total Heat Recovery Ventilator in our own way.

    Ò The material of Heat Recovery Ventilator, which depended on paper for the exchange of heat and humidity, has been remarkably improved.

    Ò The liner has been specialized with ` a metallic micro fiber, a a fibrous complex textile layer, and b a special membrane.

    Ò The efficiency of heat and humidity exchange is high, and anti-bacterial property, waterproof, and durability are strong. It is washable.

    Ò Registration of patent: Heat Exchange Element with improved liner (Patent no. 10-0737695),Patent application completed for PCT: Heat Conduction Unit with Improved Laminar (patent no. PCT/KR/2008/000247).


    熱交換エレメント-熱交換器 _熱交換器_冷却、熱交換設備_機械_仕入れ_問屋・仕入れ・卸・卸売り

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