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    商品番号: 12869736

    供給のタイプ: OEMサービス 原産地: 中国(本土) 銘柄: YKY
    製品タイプ: ストッキング モデル番号: YD-D102 特徴: 抗菌性, 糖尿病患者のため, 発汗吸収性
    年齢別グループ: 大人 材料: 100%の銀製繊維 性: 男女兼用
    色: 未加工materail: 銀製繊維 証明: セリウム; SGS; FONY; ISO13485


    包装: 帯電防止PE袋の1組

    Diabetic sock:

    1. Soft materail with 100% silver fiber which is anti-bacterial , anti-ordor.

    2. It's good for the feet which have sicked beriberi.

    3. The Diabetic health socks, soft, absorbent and venting, you can wear it thought the year. Normally, wearing the energy socks can sterilize and inhibit the bacteria effecively, remove foot odour easily, relieve itch quickly; exclude foot sweater efficiently, dry and comfortable, accelerate blood circulation, smooth and tender the foot, improve microcirculation, increase blood flow rate, alleviate and eliminate pain of foot, have great effect on protection of barbiers(atheletes foot), feet sleep, sweaty foot, fractured foot, cold foot, tinea pedis,chap and chilblain.

     The Eight Big Efficacies:

    1.Pure silver technology, Strong natural anti-bacterial

    2.Prevent bacteria infection

    3.Anti-inflammatory, Boost wound recover

    4.Anti-odor, no beriberi

    5.Boost blood circulation, prevent the feet swelling

    6.Seamless design, No friction

    7.Loose Sock top, No pressure feeling

    8.Moisture absorption and perspiration, Warm and comfortable



    結合の糖尿病性のソックス無し-ストッキング _ストッキング_靴下_アパレル_仕入れ_問屋・仕入れ・卸・卸売り

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