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    商品番号: 11948886

    原産地: トルコ 銘柄: ショー モデル番号: sc 70 06

    Show Shoe Stretcher Foam Spray. It feeds and softens the leather with the natural oils included ain this formula. It stretches the leather and allows wearing the shoes in a more comfortable way. Thanks to its perfume, it also gives a nice fragrance to your shoes. With its petty designed elegant packing you can easily carry in your pocket and bag. It has a handy and elegant packaging that can be easly used in anywher. This product is harmless for the human health and the environment.


    Usage:  Shake well the can and spray the foam directly on the tight part of the shoe, also from the inside. Spread the foam and let it act. Before drying completely, put on your shoes. For a best result, apply the foam few times per day until your feet feel comfortable inside your shoes.

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