• 現在の位置: ホーム » 仕入れ » ギフト&工芸品 » 樹脂工芸品 »
    商品番号: 10138911

    様式: 超現実的 原産地: 中国(本土) 銘柄: Qj- スーパーマン
    モデル番号: 等身 製品タイプ: 彫刻 材料: 樹脂
    地方特徴: 中国 主題: 図の像 使用: ディスプレイ
    カスタム- メイドの作品: 繊維ガラス工芸


    包装: パッケージ化された標準によって極めてケアが付いている木製ケースごとに一人の人物。

    Xi'an QJ-Superman Cultural & Creative Co., Ltd. (formerly known as Xi'an Chaoren Sculpture Research Institute) is a full-time professional display company that specializes in creating custom hyper-realistic silicone sculptures and designing displays for museums and galleries for all types of events worldwide. The art of hyper-realism is a unique promotion of "recovery of history", one that is intriguing to all ages.


    Xi'an QJ-Superman Cultural & Creative Co., Ltd. professionally since 1990, it has built a reputation of creating lifelike sculptures and museum design that awe clients and spectators of all ages. Our sculptors, designers, and make-up artists are top rated and Chinese Artist Record holders, some of them are National First Prize winners in wax sculpture works. Our highly-simulated robot performer Zou Renti has been hornored the Best Invention of 2006 by Time Magazine of US due to its advanced combination of sophisticated android systems with hyper-realistic silicone sculpture craft techniques.


    We are the first in applying superrealism system to life-size sculpture creating with all silicone rubber in China and of course we’re the best of what we do without any exaggeration. In ten years, the company developed into the most outstanding entity in silicone sculpture business. In 2007, Xi’an QJ-Superman took part in exhibitions in US twice as the sole representative of China. Up to now, our company has been invited to participate in many major media televised interviews of United States, such as ABC, CNN, NPR, CBS, Inside Edition, Microsoft television, etc., which is not-so-common in the industry of China. Meanwhile, we’ve been honored the award for Excellent Enterprise many times by the government of Shaanxi province.





    We have inherited traditions, creativity spirit, constantly inject new vitality into arts. We bring you not products, but fine arts. Now we fully open our markets domestic and abroad. In order to expand our business establishment, we are always eager to discuss a business proposition as well as to start a new form of collaboration with you. Xi’an QJ-Superman Cultural & Creative Co., Ltd. would make every of your penny worthy of it.

    スタイリッシュ現実的な彫刻の馬のシミュレータ-樹脂工芸品 _樹脂工芸品_ギフト&工芸品_仕入れ_問屋・仕入れ・卸・卸売り

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