• 光電子工学の統合された器械-マイクロウェーブ療法装置
    商品番号: 9801249

    原産地: 中国(本土) タイプ: マイクロウェーブ療法装置 原産地: 江西、中国(本土)


    包装: カートン


    Microwave is a therapeutic instrument integrated with heat and no-heat effects. The microwave has a strong passing through character and will improve the metabolite of cells in the deep tissues to accelerate the blood circulation to raise the activeness of enzymes, to reduce the nerves stimulation and to enhance the immunity. Therefore, it can function to dephlogisticate and to relieve pains. The therapy generates no side effects orpains(not over use). The instrument is easy to operate and can provide obvious results.


    The instrument microwave treatment  applied to the following sections :

    Obstetrics and Gynecology : vulvitis, vaginitis, annexitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, Pakistan’s cyst, post-operative bleeding, cervical polyps, warts, dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

    Dermatologists : ulcerated skin, flat wart sharply wetlands that once armpit odor, repeat percutaneous vascular tumor, herpes zoster.

    ENT : chronic rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, nasal polyps, epistaxis and nasopharyngeal carcinoma, inferior turbinate hypertrophy, tonsillitis. posterior pharyngeal lymphoid follicles, epiglottic cyst.

    Oral : cheilitis, Geographic Tongue, recurrent aphthous ulcers, psoriasis flat vascular ringworm, gingival bleeding, mucocele, blind bags removed Tongue-tie is too short.

    Surgery : surgical bleeding, and various acute and chronic inflammation, hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids, and mixed hemorrhoids, anal fissure, especially for prostatitis, Mastitis, rheumatism, lumbar disc herniation with special effects.

    Digestive Diseases : gastrointestinal bleeding, polyps, ulcers solidification, gastritis, esophageal stricture expansion gastric esophageal cancer links.

    Physiotherapy units : wound healing after surgery, arthritis, periarthritis, contusion, muscles and other acute and chronic inflammation can carry out physiotherapy.

    Matching equipment carts, branches therapeutic probe.
    光電子工学の統合された器械-マイクロウェーブ療法装置 _マイクロウェーブ療法装置_医学の高周波装置_超音波、光学、電子機器_医療機器_健康と医療_仕入れ_問屋・仕入れ・卸・卸売り

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