• 紙製の袋クレープ紙医療透析紙殺菌の紙袋-気管のCannula
    商品番号: 9769137

    原産地: 中国(本土) 銘柄: 完成度 モデル番号: Pb-150
    タイプ: 気管のCannula 特性: 医学ポリマー材料及びプロダクト


    The usage:
    1. To choose the proper sizes pouches as per the size the equipment's to be sterilized. and the put the clean and dry equipment into the pouches. The equipment should be less than 3/4
    of the sizes of the pouches to ensure the seal successfully and avoid the break of the pouches.
    2. Make the acuate edge of the equipment to be contrary to the peeling direction, during putting the acuate equipment in to the pouches.
    3. Tear the stick indicating paper and put it into the pouches. stick and close the pouches, marking the detailed informations, such as the sterilization date, the equipment name and the usage etc.
    4. put the closed pouches into the steam clave or ETO sterilizer, according to the rule to let the pouches' paper side against paper side, and then do the sterilization as per the normal methods.
    5. To identify the situation of indicator's color change: if sterilization proceeded, it will turn black from initial blue based on steam sterilization method, and will turn brown from initial pink based on the ETO sterilization method.
    6. Store the sterilized pouches dry, clean and dark-light place.
    7. tear the pouches as per the peeling direction and put the sterilized equipment out.
    The notes:
    1. The valid period will be 6 months on the steam sterilization method basis and will be 24 months on the ETO sterilization methods basis.
    2. Do not use if pack is damaged.


    紙製の袋クレープ紙医療透析紙殺菌の紙袋-気管のCannula _気管のカニューレ_医学の消耗品_医療機器_健康と医療_仕入れ_問屋・仕入れ・卸・卸売り

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