• Organic Wheatgrass Aloe Vera Juice
    商品番号: 3121350


    機能: 美しい製品 タイプ: 草の補足 原産地: インド
    銘柄: Sudha Herbal 適量形態: 口腔液


    包装: As per international standards or customers request.


    Wheatgrass Aloe Vera Juice made using the finest ingredient.

    Wheatgrass AloeVera Juice

    500 ml health juice



    AloeVera is considered to be a nutritional storehouse.  It is said to provide the necessary amino acids, enzymes, minerals, vitamins etc. that are useful in the production of muscles, tissues etc., support digestion and enhance nutrient  absorption.  It is also considered to act as an anti-oxidant, neutralize free radicals & acts as immune booster.


    Wheatgrass : Wheatgrass Juice is considered to be a complete food because it contains high concentration of chlorophyll (offering high level of energy) active enzymes, amino acids, vitamins and other nutrients.  one of the best things about wheatgrass juice is that it is immediately absorbed into the blood stream and likely to give immediate energy.




    Aloe Vera Juice, Water, Powder of Wheatgrass, Tulsi




    • Immunity Booster
    • Improves muscles, tissues
    • Supports digestion
    • Overcomes nutritional deficiency
    • Anti-oxidant
    • Enhances nutrient absorption




    Directions : 
    Take 30 ml Wheat-O-Power Juice with 100 ml water, fruit juice or have it as a shot.

    Organic Wheatgrass Aloe Vera Juice _美容用品_ヘルスケアの補足_ヘルスケア製品_健康と医療_仕入れ_問屋・仕入れ・卸・卸売り

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