• 新しいコラーゲンクリスタルフェイシャルマスク
    商品番号: 12534851

    供給のタイプ: OEM/ODM 原産地: 中国(本土) モデル番号: CR/F-20-B10
    マスクの形態: 水晶 特徴: 軽減, 着色訂正機, 養うこと, 気孔の洗剤, 固まること, 傷の清算, 反しわ, 保湿剤, 白くなること 原料:
    使用: 首, 手, 目, 胸, 唇, ボディー, フィート, 鼻, フェイス 材料: 水晶 形態: マスク
    主要な原料: Hyaluronic酸, アロエベラ, Jojobaオイル, シアバター, コラーゲン, ビタミンC, 緑茶, 真珠, 赤ワイン, 死海の塩, グリセリン 認証: EEC, FDA, MSDS, GMP, SGS, CE 性: 女性
    顔のマスクの原料: 自然 ブランド: Amarrie 顔のマスク様式: 水晶
    銘柄: Neutriherbs 型式番号: CR/F-20-B10 証明: ISO9001: 2008年
    主要で活動的なコラーゲン: コラーゲンの美顔術のマスク MOQ: 2000pcs 市場: 海外に


    包装: 私たちが提供できる高級な、 キャラクター、 実用的での装飾デザイン、 顧客のニーズを満たすキャラクターのラッピング。


    NEW collagen Crystal facial mask 


    Fast replenish collagen, fast wrinkle removal and whitening!

    The father of collagen, Dr. Brandt said: the process of skin aging is also the process of collagen loss, which will cause skin roughness, wrinkles, stains and other aging phenomena. The fine lines begin to appear on the skin after 25 years old. It means the loss of collagen in the skin accelerates. People should replenish collagen to the skin at this time. Studies show that the skin can absorb collagen via effective TTS. The details of collagen for skin care are followed.

    How does the Crystal Collagen Facial Mask remove wrinkles and whiten the skin?

    1. The Anti-wrinkle Crystal Collagen Whitening Facial Mask is completely made from small molecule Collagen of Marine Fish and various skin beauty essences. It does not contain any impurities. It is as smooth and soft as the pilled eggs and it is crystal and clear.Each mask can melt into 100ML collagen and beauty essences!A piece of Crystal Collagen Facial Mask.It will melt into liquid collagen and beauty essences when it is heated. Pour the melted collagen and beauty essences into the mold.A full piece of facial mask comes into being after solidification.Stir the Crystal Collagen Facial Mask in the hot water, the facial mask can melt in the water completely without any impurities.


    2. Crystal Collagen Whitening Facial Mask has excellent biocompatibility. It can closely cling to the skin surface, and the skin does not have the feelings of sting and tension.


    3. The Crystal Collagen Whitening Facial Mask has unique triple helix structure. It stores 10 times more than the nutrients of ordinary facial mask. It will fast replenish collagen and nutrients to the skin. Meanwhile, the closed and efficient infiltration system is formed between Crystal Collagen Whitening Facial Mask and human skin, which will transmit nutrients to the deep skin in a short time, repair the broken collagen fibers, promote collagen synthesis, fast heal the fine lines on the face, and make the skin soft and flexible. The effect for beauty and skin care is easy to be seen after use.


    How to use: 



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