商品番号: 2136486


    タイプ: 化粧石鹸 化粧石鹸のタイプ: 表面石鹸 形態: 固体
    ハンドメイド: はい 透明: はい 薬用: はい
    原料: 主要な原料: グリセリン 特徴: 基本的なクリーニング, 防腐性, 白くなること
    原産地: タイ

    Tamarind soap is helping to gently clean face and body skin and relieve odor effects because of tamarind fruit acidic to eliminate dead cells and protect bacteria.


    Properties of Tamarind

    Tamarind Tree is medium to very large branches, rough bark. There are many benefits. Properties of the drug from inside Tamarind,

    1). Tartaric acid is a laxative, helps to purge the pituitary, and to relieve thirst,

    2). vitamin C helps reduce scurvy.

    3). The tamarind is a calcium helps bones and teeth.

    4). Tamarind also contains iron to build red blood cells.


    Tamarind contains AHA fruit acids, which are common in citrus plants.

    1). Has the ability to remove dead skin cells are shed more quickly. Cause moisture to delicate skin.

    2). Help your skin glow. Reduce acne blemishes,

    3). Making skin smoother, and tighten pores. That no chemicals, which is harmful to your skin.


    Product's Detail

    Net Weight : 70 gram.

    Function : Mix with little water to wash off dirty

    Suitable Skin Area : Face and Body

    Suitable User : Man and Woman

    Suitable Skin Type : Sensitive Skin, and General Skin


    To use :

    1). During shower, use soap on your face and body, and leave on 1 minute to clean bacteria and to nourish skin

    2). After wash off with water, your skin will be healthy and clean

    MIRA HERBAL SOAP (TAMARIND) 70 G. _化粧石鹸_バス用品_美容・パーソナルケア_仕入れ_問屋・仕入れ・卸・卸売り

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